GSH and SEG Past Presidents Luncheon Oct. 15, 2021
Left to Right: Ray Farrell, Lee Lawyer, Bill Gafford, Don Frye, Mike Schoenberger, Steve Danbom, Wulf Massell, Kathy Hardy, Bob Wegner, Mike Graul, Dave Monk, Paul Schatz, Rob Stewart, Dennis Yanchak, Tad Smith, Tommie Rape, Craig Beasley, Maurice Nessim, Scott Singleton, Peter Duncan.
An annual tradition in the GSH is to host a luncheon at the Petroleum Club downtown for all past GSH presidents to gather, reminisce about the good ol’ times, and to get an update on the current situation in the GSH. This usually happens in late September as the new year is starting. Several years ago the GSH bylaws were amended to allow past SEG presidents to run for GSH presidency without having held office in the GSH. This led to the election of Craig Beasley, Peter Duncan and Klaas Koster. In addition, it was tradition that current and past SEG presidents who were in the Houston area would also get invited, which is why Dave Monk shows up to these events regularly. This year we had the pleasure of welcoming SEG president Maurice Nessim. This year a lively discussion on the state of the GSH was moderated by Past President Peter Duncan, Past Past President Craig Beasley, with significant input on the current state of SEG affairs by Maurice Nessim.