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October Tech Breakfast Recap

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Acoustic Shear Wave Interpretation: Overview and Pitfalls - Jennifer Market

In the October 2022 Tech Breakfast Jennifer Market gave a sensational presentation on Acoustic Shear Wave Interpretation: an Overview and Pitfalls.

Jennifer is adept at providing insightful and valuable presentations. The October Tech Breakfast was no exception. She led a refreshing discussion detailing the significant need to have a deep understanding for the process in which Shear Wave data is acquired and processed. Clearly illustrating the fundamental importance this understanding has when interpreting sub-surface rock properties and their calibration to seismic. Below is a snip-it of audience feedback regarding her presentation.

-"Thank you! I learned some very valuable info today."

-"Wonderful presentation! Thanks!"

Jennifer is based in Perth, and the online Tech Breakfast format is excellent for showcasing speakers outside the Houston area. The Geophysical Society of Houston will continue to provide speakers from around the world in our GSH Tech Breakfast for the 22/23 GSH season.

Abstract: Acoustic shear wave interpretation is key in numerous petrophysical and geophysical applications, including seismic correlation, geomechanics, production optimisation, and reserve estimation. However, it is essential that the data be processed and interpreted correctly to be useful. While good shear logs can be the key to unlocking complex geophysics interpretations, bad shear logs can cause uncounted hours of mis-spent time trying to reconcile the results and no few grey hairs. This talk will focus on 1) how to QC a shear sonic log to ensure that it is correct before using it and 2) how to turn waveforms into a good shear sonic log.

Bio: Jennifer Market, a borehole acoustics, geomechanics, and mining geophysics expert, is the Chief Scientist for Epiroc Kinetic Logging services, (a mining technology company) in Perth, Australia, but with a long history in the Houston geophysics community. She is the President-Elect of the SPWLA.



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